To Whom It May Concern,
It has been twelve years. We were young. I was eighteen and you were nineteen then. You were my first kiss and you made it unforgettable. You were incredibly sweet and I always knew that you loved me. I have a lot of cherished memories of you. Why can't you just let it be?
You broke my heart and I felt miserable when I broke yours. I forgave you, but I am still trying to fully learned how to trust or give my everything to a relationship again. You moved when I did and continued to try to snag me back into your life for over a year. Finally after deciding that I was not willing to go down that road again, you married someone completely opposite of me and proudly walked into my mom's office with her in tow to play show-and-tell so that I would find out.
Periodically you continued to show up to see my mom always asking about me, wondering what I was doing. Then about five years later you made an appearance to announce the birth of your little baby girl. You told my mom that you wanted to tell me and so she gave you my number. You called and wanted to take me to lunch. The conversation ended when I told you the only way that I could agree to do that was if your wife came with us. I haven't heard from you since, but you still visit my mom.
A second child was born. Again you filled my mom in on the details and then questioned her about me once again. This last visit concerned my mom. You were sad….not so much for you but about me. You wondered if you could have changed the past at all if you would be in my life and I wouldn't have to be alone. You wondered if you ruined me. Your heart is still broken.
It has been twelve years. Why can you still make me cry?
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