Just Rannin' Around

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A weekend of tiny miracles.

I spent Friday night holding a three week old baby. His mom was restless at home and needed an escape and since I was “on the list of people allowed to visit” list, they brought him over and I held him close while we sat and talked.

This morning I spent some bonding time with my nephew. I got up early and headed to the hospital. I told my sister to sleep in and I would take care of the morning routine. Morning routine includes feeding him his bottle and getting to hold him. We are only allowed to take him out and hold him twice a day because of several medical factors and so usually just my sister and brother-in-law hold him.

He has lost some weight and so he is currently only 4 lbs. 7 oz., and could be easily lost in a blanket if not careful. I wrapped him up tight and got him to drink a full bottle (which is only about 3 oz. but never ending to him). After he finally finished, the nurse allowed me to just cuddle him for almost an hour. We had some good discussions and I even got a smile or two after the hiccups subsided.

There is something incredibly calming about newborns. I would have been perfectly content to sit in that hospital all day long and just hold him.


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