Just Rannin' Around

Sunday, March 25, 2007

“Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. You gotta prepare for the life you want.”
-The Little Black Book

As I sat watching this movie on Saturday, this incredibly interesting and thought provoking statement began my mind on a journey. I am still in the process of breaking it down and trying to digest the truth within these few simple words.

I believe that when we are consciously preparing for a desire of our hearts, such as attending school for a career which excites us all the way to our toes, that we see how this statement is applicable. However put a tiny twist on it to also include those desires over which we have less control and frustration sets in a bit and we might lose sight of how this statement applies to us at all.

Another of my two-cent insights.....

I think that when we truly want/desire something that we feel is impossible to obtain, too good for us, too hard to reach, that instead of working towards becoming better (for fear of failure) that we would rather give up than prepare and see what happens. Maybe it is even that we fear obtaining it at all.

Anyway, something that I have been mulling over the few days.


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