Just Rannin' Around

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Following some wise advice

In an attempt to continually better myself and really be able to step back and evaluate what I want out of life, I have been challenged to take quite a few steps that are not even close to being within my comfort zone. This step is by far the most difficult for me. To me it represents my biggest failures and my greatest insecurities. The easiest thing about this is that I am supposed to be positive about the man involved and focus on lessons learned. The hardest part is sharing and allowing others into my locked down world. The task: share my experience concerning five dating relationships with a group of friends/family.

So over the next little while I will be posting, one at a time, the five dating relationships that have had the biggest impact on my life. My disclosures attached to this would be that of course I won’t be naming names and I will only be sharing a few memories of each, no play-by-play will occur.

Anyway . . . I just wanted to explain why I am writing what I am.


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