Just Rannin' Around

Monday, August 11, 2008


I am not a television watcher. Typically the only time that my television set is even on is in the morning and it is on the news station so that I can listen to it as I get ready for the day so that I am somewhat in the know. This weekend the couch pulled me in and I became a television addict!

I spent Friday night watching the entire opening ceremony. Now I may be only one of a few, but I really wasn’t that impressed. It was okay, but not the marvel that all the broadcasters were making it out to be.

Saturday was worse. Rather than getting up in the morning and immediately getting my day started with a good 3 – 4 mile run that I always do, I stayed in bed until 11:00 glued to the volleyball tournaments. I finally got up and ready for the day. I did make it out of the house for about a half hour to run to the post office to drop off some mail that HAD to go out, but came right back home and found a seat on the couch that became where I was to stay for the next seven hours. A friend came over around 8:00 and piled me off the couch and away from the television set.

Don’t worry I did make it to church yesterday for all three hours. My usual 10:00 bedtime definitely didn’t happen though because I just had to see the 4 x 100 men’s swimming relay. I finally wondered upstairs after jumping off the couch to cheer after the amazing finish of the USA team.

Good thing the Olympics only last for two weeks!


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