Just Rannin' Around

Monday, May 05, 2008

Unexpected anxiety

For the most part, I deal with change and transition in my life fairly well. My attitude has always been that the only thing that ever remains constant is change and so although it may not be something that I would have chosen or even that I want to change, the best thing that I can do is accept and move forward. As in the words of my grandmother and my mother, “suck it up and deal with it”. That is exactly what I have a tendency to do automatically.

I don’t know if it is due to being inundated with an overwhelming amount of changes already this year or if I am just losing my tough exterior, but I woke up last night horrified. The dream which I pulled myself out of was a nightmare representing several of my worst fears. I stayed awake for quite a while until I could calm myself down and remind my mind and heart that it was just a dream and that, as always, I would be just fine.

I attempt to look at every situation in my life as an opportunity to learn and grow, to become a better individual. Although I am still not sure exactly what I am supposed to be gaining from these challenging experiences in my life, I do realize that I am not as strong as I once believed.


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