Just Rannin' Around

Monday, May 19, 2008

Retraining body and mind

I am very excited to report that at the Ogden 5K on Saturday, I took almost another full minute off my time. I somehow managed to complete this 3.1 miles in 34:35. By the end of this summer I am hoping that I will get it down to under the 30 minute mark. Who says that I need to breath?! I have found that the best way to accomplish this task is to find someone running that pushes my comfortable pace just slightly. The woman that I found at this race looked slightly younger than me and we actually took turns pacing the other. It was a competition thing where she wasn’t going to let me beat her and I wasn’t going to let her beat me. We traded back and forth the entire run. At the end, she ran up from behind me and said, “Well we have run this entire race together we might as well go in together.” We talked as we were catching our breath for the last leg of the race and then we sprinted to the finish line together. My next 5K is in California and I am very excited for the change in scenery for a million different reasons.

At the beginning of the month of June I am also starting a new exercise program that I am hoping is going to tone my body in marvelous ways. It is extremely intensive, but that which doesn’t require sacrifice and some pain doesn’t usually end up working in the end.


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