Just Rannin' Around

Thursday, October 09, 2008

I’m starting at the beginning, but the order will probably not stay true

Who looks forward to College Math, especially when it is a course in the summer, a week after high school graduation? Well the first day I wasn’t so much looking forward to it, but that would quickly change.

I am not, nor have I ever been much of a dater. Not by choice, just because I am not that girl. You know that girl, the one that is always being asked out every time she turns around. Most don’t believe me because I have always been surrounded by plenty of guys, however what they aren’t seeing is that I am nothing more than the best friend. Coming from that point of view, I have always been extremely naïve about knowing that a guy is interested in me beyond friendship. At eighteen with almost literally no dating experience behind me, I was about to be taken on a whirlwind ride.

I have to give credit where credit is due and say that this is the only guy that has ever from the moment he saw me, unabashedly pursued me. That one reason, in and of itself was incredibly flattering (side note: I have learned that the butterflies that I felt from this pursuit only happened because I was attracted to him as well and thus enjoyed it). Being the A-type personality that I am, I was even more impressed when he asked me out on a date (that included all the three P’s that Elder Oaks has emphasized: planned, paired off, and paid for) after our second class together while he was kindly walking me home.

(I must add that there is even more reason to be impressed by his pursuit. My mom was taking this math class with me and so he not only put all normal fears aside, but also had added fears that needed to be taken into account.)

Well I am not quite sure when my fairy godmother had entered the picture, but let me give a few more reasons this man deserves some credit. At eighteen, I still belonged to the good old virgin lips club. After months (yes not weeks) of receiving roses quite frequently for no particular reason, notes on my car, taken out on date after date after date, phone calls daily, presents just because, trading me cars in order to change the oil or wash it for me, and countless other things, he gave me the perfect first kiss.

I didn’t have to work that night and I was waiting for him to get off work and come and pick me up for a date. I was curled up on the couch watching some mindless television and must have drifted off to a deep sleep. I was gently brought out of that sleep by one of the sweetest kisses in the history books (well at least my personal history books). I am probably one of the few women that truly knows what Sleeping Beauty must have felt like to receive that kind of kiss.
I think that the greatest lesson that I learned from him was unconditional love. I was completely and totally myself and he loved me anyway. (Side note: this is the only relationship that I ever ended and sometimes I don’t think that I will find someone who will accept and love me as much as he did)


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