Just Rannin' Around

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

One more time


I am a Spring girl.  I was born on the Spring Equinox.  I love that first smell of the ground awakening after long months of being covered by snow.   I love the warmth of the sun beating on my face.  My favorite flower is the Lilac which only blooms for a very limited time right at the beginning of this season.   I love the bright pastel colors.  The rain comes down a perfect temperature in which to frolic.  My mom even wanted to name me Spring (bless my dad for stepping in and putting a stop to that idea).   Everything is just fresh, bright and new and with that I gain a rejuvenation of life.


The other three seasons each have their own beauty and I don't ignore their shouts to be appreciated.  If there were never a change of seasons it would be impossible to enjoy the beauty, for one would never realize that there was something else to be admired or have to patiently look forward to upcoming days.    As I have watched the mountains light up in a fire of changing leaves these last few weeks and felt the air chill to the point of having to wear a sweater, I have realized that although I may not look forward to the coming days of dealing with the cold, they are changes that will happen.  


It isn't that I am opposed to change….just the opposite actually.  I love change.   I love the challenges and different viewpoints which it brings.  It perpetuates decision making.  It invokes every emotion imaginable.   It opens the eyes to the good, the bad, the ugly and the absolute beautiful.  It shows glimpses of potential!   Change is feared because we know that change typically means a loss…..loss of a habit, loss of a comfort zone, loss of a routine, loss of someone.  Moving forward means letting go and looking ahead.  


As I put on more and more clothes to keep myself warm from the brutal attacks of the biting, bitter cold, I only need to remember that after the dark winter comes the clearing of the sky and the light brings forth the true colors of every precious thing.


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