Peace, joy and love
I have spent a lot of time recently studying the topic of personal revelation. It is a topic which has always been fascinating to me since I was young and one that has touched my life more times that I can count. As I have been contemplating and trying to gain a greater understanding, I have stood in awe at the incredible power that is involved in this sweet gift of the Spirit.
It was a pleasant surprise when I went to Institute on Tuesday night to find that the lesson being presented revolved completely around this exact subject. Sometimes Heavenly Father sends His love in the smallest ways if we but open our eyes and acknowledge from where they really come. Most of the information was grand reminders of things which I already knew, however there was an enlightenment of pieces that I had not ever seen before.
There is a line of authority in each of our lives. The one thing that I sometimes forget is that at the beginning of the line is me. I have not only the authority, but an obligation to receive revelation for my own life. I ultimately am the one responsibility for the choices and decisions which I make in my life and I am the one that reports at the judgment bar to my Heavenly Father. The direct relationship between me and my Heavenly Father is the one that I need to trust and lean on with my full heart and soul. I have been promised that I can receive inspiration and guidance for my life and what the Lord promises, He is bound to when I do what He says.
Along the way, there are also others placed that can receive revelation for me. Those include my parents, my Bishop, my Stake President, the leaders of the church and through worthy priesthood holders who have stewardship over me. However I have been reminded through my studying and pondering that I can receive confirmation for any revelation given to me through any of the above group and that it is my obligation to know for myself. What an amazing blessing!! There is no following blind, it is having a knowledge and confirmation, a testimony for myself concerning things that affect me.
I think that one of the most difficult parts of revelation is determining whether or not it is coming from God. The scriptures clarify in a great many places. Although one could spend a lifetime studying the intricacies of such a topic, there are basically three ways that an inquirer of truth will know, that being they will know it in their heart, mind and it will motivate them to righteous action and will be followed by peace, pure joy and love. I still doubt myself at times and recently have learned some additional tidbits that make me stop and know that I have been guided. See sometimes I know that I was guided by looking back and seeing how I got where I currently am.
Some of the new information which I became aware of on Tuesday night in class really made my heart sing. See I am not supposed to look for signs, but I can ask for "fleeces". Signs are for those looking to be made believers and won't move until they receive one. However looking for a "fleece" is just looking for further encouragement, but already determined and moving to do what God would have me do. The story of the fleece is found in Judges 6 in the Old Testament. Sometimes I need reassurance and what a blessing to know that I can ask for exactly that. Of course the best thing to remember is that as we go through life, we will make mistakes. This is where the blessing of the Atonement comes into play. That, my friends, is another whole lifetime study.
Although I still have much learning and growing to do, knowing that I don't have to do it by myself is worth more than anything any mortal can offer me.
Post Script: As of yesterday, I have now been blogging for one full year. Time sure flies!!
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