Just Rannin' Around

Friday, August 17, 2007

I feel the need.

Recently David Cho posted an article by the AP titled New Seminary Subject: Homemaking (if interested, you can read the article in the Washington Post dated August 9, 2007). As I knew it would, it caused a lot of people’s blood to boil. I was going to post this as a comment, but realized that it would be too much for a comment and decided to post my stance on the subject. So David, forgive me for using your idea but remember that imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

Let me begin by stating that I am a strong, educated, independent woman. I will continue my education throughout the rest of my life as I believe that every person should regardless of their race, sex, creed, nationality, religion, marital status or age. I have lived my life pursuing the things that not only make me happy, but that take care of my wants and needs in this world. I have not stopped to ask if it were possible or if I would be allowed, in anything that I have set out to accomplish. To me, anything is possible with hard work and persistence.

A little of my family background may shed some light on why I believe so strongly concerning the above mentioned items. Growing up there was little to no money. My parents made the best with what they were able to obtain and made some great sacrifices in the name of their family. We lived in some interesting places in order to have a roof over our heads (in essence, I grew up most of my life living in the college dormitories because my parents worked as the resident managers which provided us a free place to live). My dad was a truck driver and my mom worked as a secretary over housing at the college so she was across the sidewalk from us when we got home from school.

My mom started slowly taking college courses (because they were free since she worked there) and by the time that I was ready to graduate with my associates degree so was she and my older sister. All three of us walked together. All three of us moved on and up and each earned a bachelors degree. I move on obtaining licenses in other fields and both my mom and sister moved forward in obtaining their masters degrees along with licenses in their fields. My mom has far more education than my dad. My mom makes more money than my dad. My sister has far more education than her husband and makes more money than him also. Actually looking at it, all my sisters are older, more educated and make more money than their husbands. However, that is not the point, I am only setting up a point that I believe in women and their abilities to succeed in a “man’s world”. I truly believe that women are capable and most of the time, more equipped to succeed.

With all of that said……

There is no better or defining place for a woman to succeed than at home with her children. There is nothing as rewarding or as challenging for a woman to choose than to be with her children in the home day in and day out.

Now do I believe in living in the 1950’s era? Absolutely not! I think that men should do their fair share at home. I had a spectacular dad that would come home from work, we would all sit and eat dinner together that mom had cooked and then Dad would do the dishes. He is lovingly nicknamed the dishwasher at our home. Nobody else is allowed to do them. He would then take us outside and run us ragged, bring us in and get us cleaned up and then read to us before putting us to bed. Mom would spend this time gardening and having some down time from all of us. He never stopped at this however. He also cleans and cooks and pitches in wherever there is a need. It takes two to make the children, it takes two to raise them and make a family.

I grew up knowing that I had the whole world of opportunities in front of me that were and are open and available. I have made a good life for myself and have had great success in this “man’s world”. What do I want? What do I feel would challenge me to greater and new heights? What do I know would be the most rewarding career to pursue? What do I know would make me a better, more caring individual? What do I feel would make me the happiest in this life? It would consist of being a wife and a mom….a mom that stays at home and sees to the day to day needs of her family.

Does this make me less of a woman as this world tries to argue? Absolutely not! I would argue that anyone can make it in the work force. Anyone can go in and put in an 8, 12, 15 hour day. It is more demanding to put yourself into a 24-7 career that demands your full attention to be the teacher, doctor, master chief, carpet cleaner, hazardous material remover, playground, imagination sparkler, referee, WWF superstar, artist, coach, cheerleader, best friend….mom.

Could men do this? Sure. I have seen dads that have been all of this and I applaud them for the wonderful things that they do. I think that everyone, regardless of their sex should know how to do the day to day tasks of cleaning, cooking and all involved to navigate life. However, I know that there is gift which is given to women to care and nurture the family. Nobody can replace a mom in a home. For those who think that this is gender inequality, I would have to agree.....men should feel completely discriminated against.


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