Just Rannin' Around

Sunday, October 07, 2007

A little sun is good for the soul, too much causes the flesh to ache.

So I am a little on the red side although nobody will find me complaining as I enjoyed every minute of obtaining the new color. I forgot how much I enjoy the islands. It is such a different environment. Everything seems to move on a slower pace....no rush just kick back and enjoy. Some of that may be due to the fact that I am only on vacation while I am there, but the locals all seem to live by that rule also. I was ready to come back home, however I was not ready to come back to the weather! That was a bit of a shock to the system.

It was fun to play with Tammy Tinkle for a minute while I was over there. Although I wasn’t able to see her as much as I would have liked, it was at least nice to be able to say hi and talk for a while out on the beach. The discovery that night was that one should never walk alone to the bus stop because although the road may be filled with people, the bus stop isn’t and one never knows who will be sleeping there. :)

I did get kissed while in Hawaii. Well okay so it was just on the cheek (1 year 10 months and STILL counting), but it was by an incredibly attractive guy that was only wearing a grass skirt. I wouldn’t have minded packing him up in my suitcase and bringing him back home! I have a definite weakness for those island boys.

The session at the temple and the Polynesian Cultural Center were the highlights of the vacation for me. I was a little taken back by how small the temple there is since all the pictures that I have seen of it gave me the impression that it was a bigger temple....beautiful nonetheless. Usually the scuba diving is up there on my favorites list, but it didn’t even come close to the top of the list this time. The waves were so out of control that even at 25 feet under I was hanging onto the rope as it whipped me like a rag doll. I ended up hanging over the side of the boat more than once and I don’t get sea sick. Not an experience that is fondly remembered.

I did get back in time for General Conference and I am extremely grateful for that. Much of what was said went straight to my heart and reminded me that I have much to accomplish and do with my life. Words of comfort and healing touched me and softened my heart. At times I feel so alone and it was peaceful to be reminded that I have a loving Father in Heaven who knows me and knows what I need to be told to help me get through another portion of my life. The gospel is true. The gospel is exciting. I think that I am going to tell everyone.


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