Just Rannin' Around

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Out exploring.

I have been attending numerous random activities. Going to places where I don’t have a clue whether or not I will even know anyone there.....all in the name of attempting to widen my horizons or build a bigger networking circle. I have met a few interesting people, but what I am finding is that for the most part people just prefer to stay in their comfort zones.

I know that I have been guilty of this and still have a tendency to lean toward just being with the people that I already know and love. I guess that I have been forced to move out of my comfort zone lately and so I really shouldn’t be frustrated that others still have theirs to lean on. I suppose that I am jealous that they still have that security in their life. However I am also learning that I have more to be grateful for than I could have ever imagined.

I am finding that it is a blessing to be comfortable enough with myself that I don’t mind being alone most of the time. Weird to think of that as a blessing, but I have been witnessing around me people that don’t know how or can’t handle any time alone and it is a deeply painful part of their life. Although I don’t always like being alone and sometimes I hate being alone, it doesn’t cause me pain and anxiety.....for the most part.

Discovery is an incredibly powerful tool. I am learning to let go. I am learning that no matter how much I want something, most of the time it is not mine to claim and that I will be okay even if I don’t get it. I am learning that I have a whole spectrum of talents that make me a better person. I am learning to look at myself as my Father does both on the inside and the outside. I am learning more than ever to hold my head high and walk with confidence in my step because no matter what, I know that there is always some One who will always love me.


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