Just Rannin' Around

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Well I will have to thank David Cho for tagging me. I have looked over both his and Gary’s blog and have decided to try my best to answer both of the questions that were asked....those in the original tag and those of David’s.

Q. If you had $12,000,000 to start a ministry, what would be the focus of your ministry?
A. There is only one true focus, that being the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Q. If you were in charge of America, what would be three key things that you would attempt to accomplish?
A. Place God back in the every fiber of the nation, get the nation out of debt (fiscal spending), and revamp the education system to include real life classes that are required for graduation, such as everyday finance, communication and interpersonal relationships.

Q. If you could interview three people from history, other than Jesus, who would you choose?
A. Isaiah (oh the wisdom and insight he could share), C.S. Lewis, and Abraham Lincoln.

Q. If you were asked to address a small group of High School seniors about any topic, what would you want to talk to them about?
A. Choices and Consequences

Q. If you could go on an all-expense-paid, three-week vacation to anywhere in the world where would you go?
A. New Zealand, Africa, and China

Q. If you were asked to name the five best and the five worst attributes of the human race, what would you say?
A. Best: Charity, integrity, faith, virtue, and forgiveness. Worst: Envy, close mindedness, selfishness and greed.

Q. If you were asked to name the accomplishment in your life of which you are the most proud (excluding raising children), what would you answer?
A. Coming to a knowledge of who I am. Without this I could have done nothing else that I have accomplished in this life. When it all comes down in the end I have really done nothing without the help and guidance of a loving Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ.

Q. If you wanted to thank the one person who has had the greatest positive influence in your life (other than Christ), who would you want to honor?
A. It would have to be my parents. They have seen me through everything and still love me.

Q. What seven things do I want to do before I die?
A.Be married in the temple for time and all eternity, dance with my husband in the kitchen while he sings to me, feel nine months of a baby inside my tummy, live in another country, perform some type of ordinance work in every temple in the world, learn a foreign language, and find joy in everything that I have the opportunity to do.

Q. What seven things can’t I do?
A. Kiss someone just to kiss them….I have to be in a relationship and have it mean something, get everything accomplished that I think I need to, adequately express my feelings to certain individuals, make my walls go away, put up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving, hate my parents, and weight lift 200 pounds.

Q. Seven things I say most often.
A. Just’ sayin’, whatever, suck it up and deal with it, I’m sorry, boys are stupid but girls are complicated, got to love it, and are you kidding me

Q. Seven books/authors (or series) I love
A. Scriptures (Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price), C.S. Lewis, John Grisham, Max Lucado, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and Neil A. Maxwell.

Q. Seven movies I could watch over and over (if I had the time)A. “So I Married and Axe Murderer”, “Hope Floats”, “Shadowlands”, “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe”, “Finding Neverland”, “The Music Man”, and “The Notebook”


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