Just Rannin' Around

Monday, January 21, 2008

Political Nerd

I had the day off work today. Knowing that I had the day off, I prepared all weekend so that I didn’t have to do much of anything…a day just for me to relax. I managed to do a lot of that after of course, I went running this morning. Had to clear my mind and run some things off before it would be possible.

What has happened? Well I spent the first part of the day with my nose buried in a book. I only took a break for about a half an hour when I made homemade lasagna for lunch. It was very yummy! One of my goals for this year is to read at least one book a month. I have far exceeded that goal. As of this moment I have already read seven new books this year! Much of that is due to my less than busy schedule at work. There isn’t much to do, but I still need to be there in case things come up so I have had some spare time there. Currently I have read:

For One More Day by Mitch Albom

Good Hope Road by Lisa Wingate

The Innocent Man by John Grisham

A Painted House by John Grisham

From Persecutor to Apostle by Thomas A. Wayment

The Angel of Eleventh Avenue by Roy Bates

No Matter How Long or Hard the Road by Jeffrey R. Holland

If anyone has a good book to suggest, I am currently looking for my next read. Actually I could use a few suggestions since I seem to be reading through a book about every four days.

After I finished book number seven for the year, CNN was turned on. I have spent the rest of the day listening to all of the political commentary. I am not sure if it helps me to make a decision or if it just makes me more critical of every single candidate running. The democratic debate in South Carolina has just come on and I am wonder if any of them will have something to say that is worth listening to. Frustrating!


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