Violated . . . and not in a good way
Yesterday I was walking through the grocery store picking up needed food in preparation for General Conference. One of my favorite things about Conference weekend is that I get everything ready beforehand so that I can play at home and not feel the least bit guilty. That means lounging on the couch and taking a nap in between sessions, pure enjoyment.
When I am shopping I love to see how many people I can make smile. I engage people by making eye contact with them and offering a big smile, allowing them to go in front of me in line and by having small conversations. I received fabulous reactions while there and walked out of the store grinning from ear to ear. I am so easily entertained.
When I reached home, I stopped and picked up my mail. I then unloaded and put away the groceries and sat down at the table to have some dinner and shuffle through the mail. I got a birthday card from Mom and Dad (wow Mom you were only a week and half late this year, much improved!), a bunch of junk mail and my credit card statement.
Let me just start with a little self disclosure. . . I am OCD about my finances. Don’t get me wrong I have no trouble spending and at times even splurging, but I always know about how much my bill should be and where I have spent my money. So the first shock happened when I opened my statement and it was more than double what I was thinking that it should be. The thought crossed my mind that I had been on several vacations this last month and I just must not be remembering everything that I purchased.
So like I always do anyway I started going through the charges one by one mentally checking off the items as my purchases. I made it through the first page and half of the second before my stomach dropped to the floor. Happy Birthday to me . . . the charges started on March 21st and all of them originated from Las Vegas. Did I mention that I was in Moab, Utah on my birthday with friends?
After I looked through the charges a few times wondering when I had decided to become an alcoholic that spent a lot of time in Las Vegas, I finally pulled myself out of it and called my credit card company and had a great laugh with Debra in card security. Finding humor in just about any situation is a family trait. As Debra was checking my history it became very apparent, very quickly that the spending habits of this individual were completely out of character to my spending habits. For example on a typical statement there would be gas, groceries, Barnes and Noble, an occasional plane ticket, restaurants, and Target.
Breakdown of charges on this bill:
Night Club - $115.00
Liquor Store - $106.00
Two charges on a Sunday totaling $300.00 again for liquor
Lounge - $100.00
Gas charges - $50.00
Liquor – 60.00
I really got Debra laughing when I told her that when the charges were made on Sunday, I would have been in church. I am pretty sure that she had a sore stomach and tears of laughter running down her face by the end of the phone call. Sometimes I shouldn’t be so sarcastic in situations that should be serious.
The card company was absolutely fabulous (and not just because she thought I was so funny) and took care of everything. Now the only bummer is that I am without my favorite credit card for a week while they get a new one re-issued and sent out to me. It definitely pays to work with such a great company. It put my mind to ease that I wasn’t going to be held accountable for any of those charges that didn’t belong to me.
I almost feel like I should attend an AA meeting though . . . .
Yesterday I was walking through the grocery store picking up needed food in preparation for General Conference. One of my favorite things about Conference weekend is that I get everything ready beforehand so that I can play at home and not feel the least bit guilty. That means lounging on the couch and taking a nap in between sessions, pure enjoyment.
When I am shopping I love to see how many people I can make smile. I engage people by making eye contact with them and offering a big smile, allowing them to go in front of me in line and by having small conversations. I received fabulous reactions while there and walked out of the store grinning from ear to ear. I am so easily entertained.
When I reached home, I stopped and picked up my mail. I then unloaded and put away the groceries and sat down at the table to have some dinner and shuffle through the mail. I got a birthday card from Mom and Dad (wow Mom you were only a week and half late this year, much improved!), a bunch of junk mail and my credit card statement.
Let me just start with a little self disclosure. . . I am OCD about my finances. Don’t get me wrong I have no trouble spending and at times even splurging, but I always know about how much my bill should be and where I have spent my money. So the first shock happened when I opened my statement and it was more than double what I was thinking that it should be. The thought crossed my mind that I had been on several vacations this last month and I just must not be remembering everything that I purchased.
So like I always do anyway I started going through the charges one by one mentally checking off the items as my purchases. I made it through the first page and half of the second before my stomach dropped to the floor. Happy Birthday to me . . . the charges started on March 21st and all of them originated from Las Vegas. Did I mention that I was in Moab, Utah on my birthday with friends?
After I looked through the charges a few times wondering when I had decided to become an alcoholic that spent a lot of time in Las Vegas, I finally pulled myself out of it and called my credit card company and had a great laugh with Debra in card security. Finding humor in just about any situation is a family trait. As Debra was checking my history it became very apparent, very quickly that the spending habits of this individual were completely out of character to my spending habits. For example on a typical statement there would be gas, groceries, Barnes and Noble, an occasional plane ticket, restaurants, and Target.
Breakdown of charges on this bill:
Night Club - $115.00
Liquor Store - $106.00
Two charges on a Sunday totaling $300.00 again for liquor
Lounge - $100.00
Gas charges - $50.00
Liquor – 60.00
I really got Debra laughing when I told her that when the charges were made on Sunday, I would have been in church. I am pretty sure that she had a sore stomach and tears of laughter running down her face by the end of the phone call. Sometimes I shouldn’t be so sarcastic in situations that should be serious.
The card company was absolutely fabulous (and not just because she thought I was so funny) and took care of everything. Now the only bummer is that I am without my favorite credit card for a week while they get a new one re-issued and sent out to me. It definitely pays to work with such a great company. It put my mind to ease that I wasn’t going to be held accountable for any of those charges that didn’t belong to me.
I almost feel like I should attend an AA meeting though . . . .
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