Just Rannin' Around

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing

I spent last weekend in San Francisco. Yes, I did go to see Wicked . . . again. For those who question how many times I have now seen it, let me recount.

1. Boston
2. Denver
3. Los Angeles
4. Salt Lake
5. San Francisco

That’s right, five times in all different cities with all different people. Although I do have a propensity for the arts, I have never spent so much time or effort to see any other performance. I have been asked on several occasions (mostly after telling someone I am on my way to see it again), what it is that I enjoy about this play so much. No, it isn’t because of the song Popular. It is because I relate in divers ways to multiple characters and situations contained and portrayed within this play. I will choose not to divulge my discourse here since I wouldn’t want to ruin the play for those who have yet to see it. If anyone is interested in that particular diatribe, come and visit. We’ll do lunch.

Other than that, we spent the weekend wondering around Golden Gate Park and Fisherman’s Wharf (my friend I was with is seven months pregnant with twins, so it was very slow wondering). There was some fabulous eating. Bread is a huge weakness for me and just retrieved from the oven sourdough was to be found around every corner. Fresh seafood on the Wharf, along with a bowl of hot, creamy, delicious clam chowder kept my stomach full and a smile on my face.

I did receive a proposal while there. Although he was very handsome and it was tempting, I decided it best not to accept since we had only been acquainted for around two minutes. That time frame is just shy the five minutes that I insist on knowing someone before I accept such long-term commitments.

Where to next? I am not sure. I have a few things pending, but right now I am putting some serious thought into Israel, Jordan and Egypt. Anyone want to join me?


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