Just Rannin' Around

Monday, October 19, 2009

“It seems to me, that if you tried hard, you would in time find it possible to become what you yourself would approve; and that from this day you began with resolution to correct your thoughts and actions, you would, in a few years, have laid up a new and stainless store of recollections, to which you might revert with pleasure.” –Jane Eyre

I don’t think that I spend enough time with my nieces and nephews. Saturday morning I had a surprise visit from Bridger. We spent the morning (after they finally got my attention to let me know they were there . . . I was upstairs running with my music cranked and didn’t hear the doorbell which they apparently rang 17 million times . . . my sister finally called my cell phone) making tunnels out with blankets, couches, tables and books through which we could disappear and magically reappear on the other side. Of course we also had to drive the Hot Wheels through (yes I have Hot Wheels at my house for them to play with).

He was making me laugh as he would copy things that I said and noises that I would make. Then he would pull some lines out of his own back pocket that made me laugh so hard he would repeat it 10 more times. My favorite had to be when he had the Hot Wheels truck and he decided that he needed to put another one of the smaller cars on its hitch to be dragged. He had it working for a minute and then the other car slipped off the hitch. Without a moment hesitation he said, “oh no, back it up” and proceeded to reverse the truck toward the car (he is two). He informed me that we needed to get it back on the trailer. My babies just make me happy!

Later a friend came over and we made yummy Navajo tacos and settled down to watch a movie I haven’t seen in years. Ever heard of Cloak and Dagger? Yeah it is a classic, extremely cheesy now, but one straight out of the childhood. It used to be intense when I watched it when I was younger, at least that is what I remembered. It didn’t end up being in the same category as Watcher in the Woods which still scares the pants off me . . . Nerak, Nerak! I know, I know, I am a dork. Anyway, we then settled in to watch the Utes game and eat a scone with butter, honey and powered sugar (I think that I am still full), but since it started a little later half time was all she made it to and I was left to scream at the tv and cheer by myself. They won.

I love to have a jam-packed schedule, as long as I have some down time to balance it out. My big goal right now is to somehow get exercise into my daily routine. I just got a yoga dvd. I have never done yoga before so it should be interesting. Running is great, but I think that I need something to offset it a bit. I actually got a whole bunch of exercise dvds just to mix it up a bit. If all else fails, I still have Buns of Steel on VHS . . . now that should prove to be a throw back and as cheesy as ever although I have a feeling that I would still be walking funny after attempting to complete the video. I know everyone will want to join me in doing Buns of Steel, so we’ll have to make it a party.

I miss having reading material to fill some time during my days.


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