Just Rannin' Around

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I need for you to pretend we’re having a scintillating conversation and you are wildly entertained

Starting last week, institute once again commenced. I am thrilled that Brother Wilcox is again teaching the class. It will be his last class since he is retiring in January. It will be my last class since those are the rules.

He is teaching the Book of Revelation. In the short two weeks, my eyes have been opened to some delightfully incredible knowledge. I am honestly in awe of the vast amount of insight that he has when it comes to the scriptures and the gospel. He is one of those people that I would love to have unlimited amounts of time to sit and pick his brain. Needless to say, I am extremely excited for the rest of the semester. I know it will be just as enriching as it has already been.

There could be one issue. I suppose that this guy missed the permanent tattoo on my forehead that has evidentially been there since I was as of dating age. I have never seen said tattoo as it only seems to be visible to the male gender, but I am fairly positive what it says. I know that there are only two types of men that ignore the tat.


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