It isn’t about what’s in your past, it’s about what you want to make of your future
Far too often I allow myself to become lulled into a false sense of security. I will attest right now to the fact that sleep walking is not a safe activity especially when Satan is not only wide awake, but purposely placing stumbling blocks directly on the path. It seems that these blocks on my path have been filled with doubt. It frightens me how well that sneaky, slimy snake knows me.
Yesterday I attended the dedication of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. The talks given washed through me and some recent spiritual experiences were strongly reiterated to my heart and my mind . . . more boldly than they were given the first time. I felt a little sheepish since I knew the reason I was receiving them again was because I was starting to wonder if I had just made the whole thing up in my mind . . . doubt had not only made a home but had built on its own wing. The scriptures are replete with examples of Satan using this exact tactic, the most famous being found in the Pearl of Great Price in the first book of Moses (the difference is of course, Moses didn’t fall for it like I always do).
I spent most of the rest of the day pondering on each of the experiences. Faith seems to slip through my fingers as quickly as the sands of time slide through an hour glass. Even by the end of the day, I began to have some doubts again. There is too much attached, too dependent on things that are out of my control (and we all know how well I deal with that). Satan didn’t even wait a whole day to begin the process. The good thing is that I recognized it and focused harder on having faith in the things that my Heavenly Father has given me. I opened my journal and looked back a few years to something else that was given to me and though it took a lot of time, was eventually fulfilled.
As I have been reading the scriptures, I have been pulled to Alma 32:42-43 a lot this last week. My understanding is not quite in context to what is being discussed in that particular chapter of Alma, but I know that it is comfort and a promise specifically for me during this waiting period. I don’t know how long I am going to have to wait. I don’t know what else I am going to have to go through before I see the fruits. I do know that it is going to take a lot of earnest prayer. I do know that it is going to take faith as I can’t see/know all things. I do know that I trust my Heavenly Father.
There is not a life that He can’t fix, a wound that is past His capacity to heal, anything broken that He doesn’t have the ability to make whole.
Far too often I allow myself to become lulled into a false sense of security. I will attest right now to the fact that sleep walking is not a safe activity especially when Satan is not only wide awake, but purposely placing stumbling blocks directly on the path. It seems that these blocks on my path have been filled with doubt. It frightens me how well that sneaky, slimy snake knows me.
Yesterday I attended the dedication of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. The talks given washed through me and some recent spiritual experiences were strongly reiterated to my heart and my mind . . . more boldly than they were given the first time. I felt a little sheepish since I knew the reason I was receiving them again was because I was starting to wonder if I had just made the whole thing up in my mind . . . doubt had not only made a home but had built on its own wing. The scriptures are replete with examples of Satan using this exact tactic, the most famous being found in the Pearl of Great Price in the first book of Moses (the difference is of course, Moses didn’t fall for it like I always do).
I spent most of the rest of the day pondering on each of the experiences. Faith seems to slip through my fingers as quickly as the sands of time slide through an hour glass. Even by the end of the day, I began to have some doubts again. There is too much attached, too dependent on things that are out of my control (and we all know how well I deal with that). Satan didn’t even wait a whole day to begin the process. The good thing is that I recognized it and focused harder on having faith in the things that my Heavenly Father has given me. I opened my journal and looked back a few years to something else that was given to me and though it took a lot of time, was eventually fulfilled.
As I have been reading the scriptures, I have been pulled to Alma 32:42-43 a lot this last week. My understanding is not quite in context to what is being discussed in that particular chapter of Alma, but I know that it is comfort and a promise specifically for me during this waiting period. I don’t know how long I am going to have to wait. I don’t know what else I am going to have to go through before I see the fruits. I do know that it is going to take a lot of earnest prayer. I do know that it is going to take faith as I can’t see/know all things. I do know that I trust my Heavenly Father.
There is not a life that He can’t fix, a wound that is past His capacity to heal, anything broken that He doesn’t have the ability to make whole.
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