Just Rannin' Around

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Stay up and make some memories here

A couple of days ago I received a phone call from a friend that I haven’t been in contact with for at least eight years. We actually got to know each many moons ago when he was called to serve as my co-chair on the Stake activities committee. I suppose that having the same cell phone number for almost thirteen years has its benefits.

This was a calling that I held for four and a half years. During that time, the co-chair position went through many changes due to moving, marriage, normal movement of callings, ect, of my counterparts. By the time he got put in, I already had a couple of years under my belt and had the whole system running like a well oiled machine (which means that I was extremely bossy because I knew what, how, when things needed to get done). He was a champion at allowing me room to be such a brat (of course it saved him a lot of work because I did it).

Part of this calling included overseeing all the sports, yes even church basketball. This was church basketball for the University Single’s Stake. This is where I think all of the guys got the biggest kick out of me. I had to make the schedule, set up and keep the score, time and stats. My biggest job there though was keeping order and peace.

I must be more intimidating than I ever want to believe because as heated as those guys would get, it would only take one word or look from me and it would stop immediately. It could have been my threat to cancel the whole tournament if there was fighting or the fact that I had a group of guy friends that would come up and keep me company while they waited for their game, but any new guy that came to play learned quickly that I was not to be crossed. They all were very respectful of me and demanded it from anyone else that came. Of course I was their biggest supporter and cheerleader all season and throughout the regional tournaments. Those guys ended up being some of my dearest friends and with whom I spent all of my play time (funny, now that I think about it, none of them were from the ward I was actually attending).

That phone call has definitely had me in a very nostalgic mood the past couple of days.


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