Just Rannin' Around

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Diarrhea of the mouth, constipation of the brain

I consider myself a fairly patient person. There isn’t much that I let grate on my nerves. If allowed, I believe that one could cause themselves undue stress which unchecked could result in serious medical problems. When it comes right down to it, I just don’t thrive on drama and so I tend to be easy going. Not that I am a push-over by any means, but most things don’t tend to be so life-or-death as the over-reaction by many people would have us believe it is.

Forgot something at the store. No worries. The store is not going to disappear. If it is important I almost guarantee that the car still runs and, given it is inconvenient, another trip can be made.

Asked for medium rare and they brought out well done. No worries. Calmly explained and it can be replaced typically with a reduction in the bill at the end of the meal. If it can’t be replaced because it was cooked at home, it will do no one involved any good to get angry or upset, nor will it fix the problem (actually it would make it worse) so enjoy the company and use lots of steak sauce to add some moisture and flavor.

I know that there are so many things that can go wrong or produce unwanted results (the ones I listed were mild I realize), but really what is helpful about staging a dramatic scene?

So what does this have to do with the price of rice in China? Nothing actually, but I do have a point. There was a situation last night.

Yes, I was in institute which is probably one of the only reasons that I didn’t swear (at least not out loud). See I look forward to this class every week. The teacher is amazing. I soak in every word like a dry sponge and walk out feeling that I have gained incredible amounts of knowledge and enlightenment. I thoroughly enjoy the intellectual stimulation and spiritual uplift.

Let me start out by admitting that I am more guilty than most for whispering during class or a meeting, but it is typically a (by that I mean one) comment or answer a (by that I mean one) question. I don’t however come in, sit in a very populated area of the classroom and proceed to carry on a full blown conversation for the entire 90 minute class! Sure they were whispering but it was still loud enough for the whole row in front of them to intermittently turn to look at them with scowls, the row behind us to perpetually make comments about the rudeness of talking while someone was trying to listen to the speaker, and for all of us on the same row to continually fidget to get further away from them.

Either they were completely ignorant or just plain stupid, but none of that clued them into the fact that they were interrupting and annoying everyone around them. Due to the fact that they were sitting right next to me, I heard a large portion of their conversation. The false doctrine being shared between them was astounding. It was no wonder that the comment after the closing prayer dropped my chin to the floor . . . “I love coming to institute. I always get so much revelation while I am here.” Honestly! Don’t you realize that in order to get personal revelation you have to shut your pie hole long enough to listen to the Spirit?


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