Sometimes the happiest place on earth is right at your very own mailbox . . .
Disneyland was a blast! It was definitely a whirlwind full of delicious food, action packed movies, great friends, lot of laughs and fast, thrilling rides. It was amazing how we timed everything just perfect and didn’t really have any long waits for any of the rides. The longest wait I believe that we had was for Screamin’ at California Adventures and I think that one only seemed long because it was so blasting hot. Never a happy moment when you can feel the trickle of sweat dripping in places that you can do nothing about it (overshare I know so sorry). It was a great way to usher in the 30th year of a friend.
I realize that Disneyland is supposed to be the happiest place on earth and it might just be that some days. However on Tuesday this week the happiest place on earth was at my mailbox. I’m sure it was quite the sight to see me doing a happy dance while waving the manila envelope over my head, smiling from ear to ear. Ute football season is a mere 21 days away and my season tickets are here! They always make picking up the mail at least one day a year a spectacular event.
Now down to business . . . who wants to come to a game with me? There are six home games that are up for grabs. Also, anyone interested in attending the USC – Utah game with me in September in Cali?
Go Utes!!!
If it wouldn't be too weird for you, Dave would be so happy if he got to go to a game this year. If it would be weird for you, I totally understand. I won't mention this to him but if you end up needing someone to go with to one of the games feel free to give him a call!
Aubrey, At
4:10 PM
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