Just Rannin' Around

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spoiled rotten

I think that I have been caught in the sewer of life lately. I am not only guilty of initiating my decent down the drain, but also of subjecting myself to wallowing in the waste. Isn’t that a fabulous visual? Yeah, sorry about that!

Major problem: I focus WAY too much on what I don’t have rather on what I do have.

What needed to happen: A good blow to the back of the head with a 2x4.

The result: A refocus of the eyes.

Yesterday I was sitting in my office working away when suddenly I was being kissed on the cheek. A smile immediately radiated from my face and I was quickly swept out of my chair into hug that could melt the ice caps in Alaska. A whisper in my ear, “I love you Boo”, a squeeze, another kiss on the cheek and he was back out the door as quickly as he appeared.

No, this was not a dream and I am not making it up. It happens quite frequently. Let me explain.

I met him about ten years ago. He is one of those guys that are so physically beautiful that chins have to be pulled off the ground and drool rags are needed wherever he goes. I have received the look of envy and death from many women just because I know him. It honestly makes me laugh. The better part of him that they don’t even know that makes him even more attractive is that he is also one of the sweetest men out there. . . perfect gentleman.

He has been a wonderful friend that has been supportive and encouraging. In the ten years of knowing him, life has happened to both of us and we have been there to comfort and give that needed push forward. Yesterday I just realized how incredibly lucky I am to know, really know, that there are people that honestly love me. Some live their lives never know that, feeling that and I am constantly surrounded by it.

P.S. So no rumors start . . . he is and always has been just a friend. He is engaged.

P.P.S. Teaching last night went exactly as I knew it would which is one of the reasons I was struggling with it. Change is typically not an easy thing to swallow. I was presenting a different way of organizing a vital program which, for the most part, has been done the same way for over a century. I knew I was going to find resistance, I just wasn’t sure how much. Needless to say, it wasn’t embraced by the majority and as they left I heard much grumbling about the fact that they weren’t going to change their program. It made me really sad because I believe that it could make a dramatic difference. However, ultimately it is up to them.


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