Just Rannin' Around

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What is the greatest lesson that you have learned up to this point in your life?

I have recently spent a lot of time contemplating this very question. I learn and am taught so many wonderful truths on a daily basis, that how do you choose just one? Although I think that the answer to this question is a very personal one, I have decided that my answer to this question is as follows:

I am a daughter of Heavenly Parents, which blesses me with divine nature!

From this one truth, my soul is raised to a higher plane. Because I know from where I came and who I am, I also know who the person sitting next to me on the bus is and how they should be treated. Thus the lesson of the golden rule becomes so much more important. Because I know this, I know why I am in this earthly existence and I am more willing to forgive others of mistakes. I know of the Atonement of the Son of God and that a loving Heavenly Father sent Him here to enable the rest of His children to return to live throughout the eternities with Them. My purpose is clear. I know why I am here. I know who I am. I know what comes next.

I think that all truth eternally connects to the knowledge of who we are. Whether it is secular, spiritual, emotional or physical, I believe that learning occurs at a higher plane and is grasped with greater comprehension when we realize that this is what we will be allowed to take with us when we pass through the veil and into the waiting arms of the Lord. He paid the price for us with His life. Why? Because we are eternally a family and He was doing His Father’s will and that is to bring to pass the eternal life and immortality of His children. He did it because He loves us.


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