Just Rannin' Around

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I am in a continual learning sphere. No matter how many years I have already been given experiences and opportunities, there are always new things thrown at me or twists and turns of different varieties in regards to lessons through which I have already navigated. Being the adventurous, knowledge craving creature that I am, life has rewarded me with a barrage of treats and even more bleeding, hurting body parts. Through it all, my tears were inadvertently watering beautiful blossoms which I have been able to gather. I always look at the variety which fills my life with color and helps me see things more clearly due to the years of gathering.

Sometimes I wish I had all the answers. Sometimes I wish that I had everything that I wanted. Sometimes I wish that the hurts would go away. Sometimes I wish that all my dreams would come true. Sometimes I wish that I had control. Sometimes I wish that I had different life. Sometimes I wish that I could move far, far away. Sometimes I wish that I could stop caring. Sometimes I wish others could feel how deeply I cared. Sometimes I wish that more people would see me for who I am. Always I wish that I could make everything better/happy for those I love.

The pedals remind me that all my wishing doesn’t come to pass, but that I get the blossoms I really need exactly as they start to unfold into pure perfection. Then I stand in wonder as realization of pure joy explodes into every corner and shadow. I know a thing or two about life, however I always am intelligent enough to humbly submit that there is so much to more to gain that I will always be racing to learn and sometimes that learning takes place by stumbling.


  • The one consistant is life is change. The goal is to just take it all one day at a time and do the best that you can. And trust me JRA - you are amazing and always give your best and we are all grateful for that!

    By Blogger American Girl, At 2:29 PM  

  • JRA, I wish I could make all of your dreams come true, because of all the people on earth I know, you are the one that deserves it more than anyone else. I know things have been crappy and some people you care about don't always treat you the way such an incredibly amazing and forgiving person should be treated. Know that I love you and I pray that things will work out for you soon. And on a side note, I will always be here to support you in any way I can. After all, what are true friends for? Much love!!

    By Blogger Sarah, At 3:02 PM  

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