Dear Santa,
As usual, I have been a very good girl. I do the things which my parents ask of me….most of the time without complaint. I try my hardest to be kind and gentle to those that I find wondering in my life. Actually I usually end up appreciating very much the things that they bring with them. I have learned a great many of lessons, with the most valuable one being how to give away more love than I ever thought possible.
Now I realize that I have messed up every now and then, but some allowance must be made for mistakes. I will continue to carry around the 409 and a pocket full of apologies. Although the ultimate goal is to not make the boo-boo in the first place, I will acknowledge them when they occur and fix them as fast as possible. I only hope that I was successful at practicing this goal this year and that I didn't miss cleaning up any. If there were some, I would be more than happy to go back….just let me know where.
There isn't much in the way of material items for which I long. I don't know if this order will be able to fit in the sleigh, but I do ask that you please at least try. I want the imagination and the faith of a child. I want to be able to see the world as a giant playground of new experiences just waiting for me to have. I want more time to play hide-and-go-seek and swing on the swings with my nieces and nephews. I want more sleepovers with scary stories and endless giggles. I want curiosity that keeps me asking questions.
As my list continues in my head I think that what I really want is to not be such an adult. I think that if everyone in this world would take more time to remember what it is like to be a child and all that comes with it, this world would be a much better place. Could you please place that in the heart of every adult in this world? I appreciate everything for which you stand. I still hear the ring of the bell.
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