“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.”
I can hardly believe that it is December! However since I have finished up all my Christmas shopping and just have the one last task of getting a few items sent off at the local post office, it must be. It feels like a warp-zone between January to December.
Well as I have been making plans for my annual get-the-heck-out-of-Salt-Lake New Year’s Eve trip, I realized that I have some posted goals that I need to make myself accountable for this year. So I pulled up January on my blog to keep myself honest and here are the results. . .
Temple: My goal was to continue attending at least once a week, but that I needed to attend an endowment session at least once a month. Results: Since there isn’t a temple in Jordan, Israel or Egypt . . . I did miss a couple of weeks of attending the temple. Although if I count visiting the Temple Mount in Israel, then I only truly missed one (okay that doesn’t count so I really did miss a couple of weeks). I was able to do at least one endowment session each month. One of the sessions I even was able to do in the Manhattan Temple.
Preparation: My goal was to put my affairs in order by having a Will prepared. Results: This was all signed, sealed and delivered before my birthday. I officially have a Will, a Trust, a Power of Attorney and all Medical decisions made and documented. This really made me feel like a grown-up!
Travel: Visit six new places, with at least one on my “must see” list. Results: I do believe that I FAR exceeded this. I hadn’t ever been to the Manhattan Temple before and then I went and saw more new and exciting things within my two weeks of vacation than I could even begin to count . . . this also included 3 “must sees” of Petra, the whole of Israel and the pyramids. Before the end of the year I will also be in Phoenix (as this is where I am going to New Year’s) and believe it or not, I have never been to Phoenix before.
Physical Fitness: My goal was to drop 20 pounds. Results: If this was all looking so shiny and almost perfect . . . well here is my big, fat failure. How much have I lost? Not one pound. Pathetic!! There is one shining happiness in the midst of it though is that I am in better shape than I ever have been in my life. I have been swimming twice a week, biking twice a week and running twice a week in preparation for a triathlon that I will be doing next year. It has been a bitter fight against my asthma every step of the way but well worth it.
Reading: My goal was to read 30 new books along with re-reading Jane Eyre, the Book of Mormon and the New Testament. Results: To date I have read 33 new books (more will be finished before the end of the year). I had re-read Jane Eyre before the beginning of February, the Book of Mormon soon thereafter and I finished re-reading the New Testament a week before leaving on my trip.
Your blog is now that much more important to me because I don't get to see you at least once a week. Congrats on all the goals. I have to say that I almost laughed out loud that you've never been to Phoenix. With all the traveling you've done it is just a crack-up. It does sound like the perfect place to spend New Years. (This is Em BTW but I figured you would know that.)
Russ, At
8:24 PM
Kudos to you for your accomplishments! You're a great example to me of making and ACCOMPLISHING goals. It's easy to make them. Good job!
Aubrey, At
6:52 PM
Way to go!!! That's awesome!
BeeP, At
8:20 AM
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