Just Rannin' Around

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Sometimes I wonder why I am so blessed. Sure life is not easy and I have plenty of disappointments and hard times, but it always pales in comparison to all that I am given. My heart has been aching a lot lately for many reasons, but today a loving Heavenly Father filled it to overflowing with gratitude.

Easter inevitably brings to the forefront the meaning of life which is inseparable from my Savior, Jesus Christ. I had the opportunity to speak in Sacrament meeting today about the death of the Savior. My heart was full as I inadequately tried to explain the last day of Christ’s life and the suffering which He unselfishly performed in behalf of ever single mortal that ever had or ever would enter this, their second estate.

Love warmed me as I sat through Sacrament today. I needed to hear the things that were shared by the other speakers. I needed to tell people how much I loved the Savior. I needed to feel the meaning of His life as it pertained to me, one child of God. A God that loves me so much that He was willing to sacrifice His only Begotten. I needed to remember that He knows me, individually.

It was testified to my heart and mind again. I walked out of the meeting peaceful and ready to take on the world again. However, I was given one incredible surprise. I was getting my picture taken for the ward list when a sweet friend found me. This amazing person had taken the time to come and support me because they knew that I was speaking. As familiar arms wrapped around me in a place that I am still trying to get used to being, I truly felt loved. It was such a simple act of kindness, but to me it meant the world. Tender mercies!

I truly pray that each of you had a wonderful Easter and that you each had the opportunity to feel the love of Jesus Christ.


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