Just Rannin' Around

Sunday, February 03, 2008

February - it has its problems!

Happy Valentine's Day on the 14th of this month! So I typically refuse to acknowledge this day because well, frankly it drudges up feelings that I was taught in Primary were not what a good person should be feeling. For years now I have been saying "Happy Cupid Passover" which was just a way of letting everyone know that I was feeling cynical and sarcastic about the holiday as a whole (please refer to the previous sentence).

As much as I would love nothing more than have my own special someone on that day and every other day of the year for that matter, I have realized that I am constantly surrounded by the love of so many. These are blessings that should never be discounted. I wish that I had pictures of all the strong, caring men that are and have been a part of my life, but sadly I don't and due to my extremely blessed life, they all wouldn't fit on here anyway. Here are a few of those men that have touched my life and Thank You!!


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