Just Rannin' Around

Monday, July 21, 2008

Okay, I'm joining the bandwagon! This is like blogosphere mania right now, but I think it's pretty fun.

So, here's the instructions:

1. Post one (or some) memories of me as a comment on this blog. It can be anything at all, although it will probably be coolest if it is a memory that you and I share.

2. Next, post the same instructions on your blog and make this blog trend even more trendy.

Monday, July 14, 2008

“I have to be wicked every once in a while, it is the only way God notices me.”
-The Curious Savage

If the opportunity ever arises to see this play, don’t miss out! It was one of the best plays that I have seen in a very long time and believe me when I say that I see a ton of plays. It had me laughing so hard that my sides ached and yet was so touching that I wish that I would have had a couple of tissues to wipe the many tears that were slid down my cheeks. I also wished that I had a piece of paper and pen. There were so many fabulous one liners that I can’t even remember half of them now. This play definitely has hit my “must see” list. It is a – maz – ing!!

The other hit of the weekend was Rachael and Brandon’s wedding. The bride stole the show. She was absolutely stunning! I am so happy for the two of you and wish you all the happiness in the world. Thanks for giving the rest of us a great excuse to get together.


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