Just Rannin' Around

Monday, November 18, 2013

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”

Without a question or second thought, I can validate that statement in my case as a true fact.  My parents have been a solid standing place in my life through which I have weathered some fierce storms.  They created a home so filled with love, security and encouragement that we felt free and safe to explore and grow into individuals.  One of the most amazing things about my parents is that they didn’t just provide this for us, their children, but for neighborhood kids and our friends and anyone else that needed it.  The door to our home was always open.  Judgment was never allowed.  We were never the most spiritual household on the block . . . but I would dare say that my parents are some of the most Christ-like people that I know.

This Wednesday my mom is going in for her third heart surgery.  My dad was currently diagnosed with a slow growing prostate cancer.  The reality of losing them increases each year and the weight of that sometimes knocks me to the ground.  Losing a parent, I’m positive, is never easy for anyone.  I understand that this is morbid to even think about but it is a reality that hits each time something of this nature occurs and forces the mind to ponder. 

It doesn’t seem to hit my siblings as hard as it does me.  As I’ve thought about it, I understand why a bit more.  They all have a spouse.  They all have children.  They have families of their own and other people to lean on.  For me, my parents are still my entire world.  They are who I call when I need to cry or when I have done something to celebrate or when I just want to talk and really have nothing to say.  That is where I comfortably spend holidays where traditions I love are done.  That is where I find my comfort, security and unconditional love.  I have amazing friends whom I adore.  I couldn’t ask for better siblings whom I dearly love.  However when push comes to shove, they have their own families that need their time, attention and love.  I get it and I am so extremely happy they do have that blessing.  I think it comes down to the thought of losing my parents to me equals truly being alone. 

I know that I am not the first person to ever go through this and I know that I will not be the last.  Honestly this isn’t even about a pity party. . . I just needed to write it out.  Writing for me tends to calm me.  I’ve been carrying around a lot of anxiety about this for the last little while and needed to dump some of it.  My parents will be between my house and the hospital for the next two weeks starting today and I need to be a support not a worry.

So if you remember, prayers for my parents are needed and appreciated.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do

I don't like spending money but there are times that it becomes necessary.  The Trailblazer was struggling.  I have 153000 miles on the poor thing.  It is still a great car which is why it is still in my garage (they wanted to do a trade in for a lousy $1000 . . . um go jump in a lake).  I will use it when I go camping or on really bad snow days or just because I want to.  However it was getting to the point that I didn't trust driving home by myself anymore.  Since I was needing a new ride anyway and I was going to keep the Trailblazer, I wanted something with much better gas mileage.

Meet the newest addition at my house . . .

It is a Chevy Malibu and I am really liking it.  I only have to fill up with gas every other week verses every single week and I feel much more comfortable about making long drives by myself. 


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