At the top looking down
Well the second job is pulling up to a conclusion. I worked my last Saturday today! Now only three more nights at job number two and I can go back to having a little bit of a life. It will be nice to have some of my nights back. I think that I have only had time to run one time in the last two months. I don’t know if my body will like getting back on the treadmill again, but good thing it can be retrained to like it. There is no argument that it is in need of a little (or a lot) of exercise.
Yesterday I skipped out on all responsibilities and spent the day with some great friends. It started in the morning with a sealing in the Timp Temple. I do have to admit that my eyes overflowed with tears as I watched these two people that I have known for a long while kneel together and make covenants with the Lord and each other. It filled my heart. We all filled our stomachs a little later at the luncheon.
At the reception, the groom’s bothers and sisters came out and helped me decorate the car. We had a blast all night. I guess it is helpful to have fun at these events when a best friend is in from Texas to help. I once again decided that if I get married, I am going to elope. That is just too much work and let’s be honest, who really wants to stick around after the marriage ceremony is over and things become legal that up to this point in life has never been legal?! I actually told the groom that I thought he was crazy for showing up to his luncheon!
Anyway, it was a great day and I was elated that I was able to share in some pretty special moments with people that I love.
In other news, I get to speak again tomorrow. I am a little nervous about speaking in front of Silent’s home ward....I’m not quite sure why. :)