Listen to your heartbeat and dance!
I think that there are many examples from which can be drawn the conclusion that I am not the average conservative human. My mom will give the example that I jump out of perfectly working airplanes at an elevation of 11,000 feet. I always remind her that actually the activity that I involve myself more often in, scuba diving, is much more dangerous than skydiving. I guess that I shouldn’t remind her of that fact, but I have only been skydiving once and I go scuba diving at least once a year. I have also been bungie jumping, rock climbing, mountain biking, and this one time, I stayed up way past midnight! Needless to say, I do believe I may be a bit of an adrenaline junkie or it may just be that I enjoy being able to say that I have experienced a vast expanse of life.
Things that I would like to accomplish in my life, places that I would love to travel and just my list of “must dos” is probably enough to fill a couple of lifetimes. People, places and things have a magnetic pull on me. The highlight and headline of that list for me is people. Any where I go, anything that I do, I have to concentrate on not losing myself in “people watching”. However observing is just one small aspect to what I enjoy. I will talk to anyone. Another thing that my family will attest to is the fact that I am not shy and have no issues approaching and having a conversation with any random person that finds themselves in the same vicinity as me. My feeling is that the majority of people are willing to impart simple conversations and at times I have had incredible discussions with perfect strangers. People make this world just as majestic as the landscape . . . if not more so.
One of my true loves is public speaking. Now speaking of people thinking that I am a complete weirdo this part of my personality usually does the convincing. I had the opportunity last night to teach another class on personal finance. The room was packed with husband and wife teams and I had that little tingle of excitement in my stomach which I look forward to. It is exhilarating to me to get up in front of a group and to present knowledge which I have spent years gaining. My love of reading really comes in handy when I am asked to present things that I don’t know as much about. One of these days I am going to be able to check off a goal of being a professional public speaker. I am not sure in which area of my life it will happen, but it is such a part of my nature that I don’t doubt the possibilities out in front of me.
As I have been taking inventory of my world, I have awakened to the fact that I am very much a “press forward and conquer” personality. Life is so enjoyable and there is so much to learn that even when I am tripped and stumbling, I get up looking at what I can do next. I believe that this has a tendency to make me seem intimidating to others, but I am choosing to think that it makes me ready for the next adventure. There is no need to be intimidated by anyone is my thought process. Why? Everything that each of us has is given to us. Every opportunity has been placed on our path. Every blessing and talent is something which we should share. All of us have different lives and with that comes different opportunity and blessings, but if viewed as something that can and should be shared, love makes the word intimidation fade quickly until it is completely out of our world.