“Milton was right”, said my Teacher, “The choice of every lost soul can be expressed in the words ‘Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.’ There is always something they insist on keeping even at the price of misery. There is always something they prefer to joy – that is, to reality.”
CS Lewis The Great Divorce
I have been spending more and more time recently with my nose buried in books. For some reason I am enraptured with learning and soaking up everything that is around me. I am feeling a deep need to understand and truly see who I am supposed to be.
While reading the above mentioned book, I became acutely aware that I needed to do some serious reflecting upon my “pet sins” to which I cling. More and more I am realizing that I have a nice little collection of worldly attributes for which I proudly fly banners. Ever heard that our greatest strengths can become our greatest weaknesses? I think that in the name of self esteem, I find myself leaning more and more upon these mere things rather than focusing on what is truly important.
I will say this.....
I would rather be cleaning the toilets in Heaven than reigning in Hell. With that said, I have a lot of humble pie to eat and even more of forgetting myself and getting work to do.
CS Lewis The Great Divorce
I have been spending more and more time recently with my nose buried in books. For some reason I am enraptured with learning and soaking up everything that is around me. I am feeling a deep need to understand and truly see who I am supposed to be.
While reading the above mentioned book, I became acutely aware that I needed to do some serious reflecting upon my “pet sins” to which I cling. More and more I am realizing that I have a nice little collection of worldly attributes for which I proudly fly banners. Ever heard that our greatest strengths can become our greatest weaknesses? I think that in the name of self esteem, I find myself leaning more and more upon these mere things rather than focusing on what is truly important.
I will say this.....
I would rather be cleaning the toilets in Heaven than reigning in Hell. With that said, I have a lot of humble pie to eat and even more of forgetting myself and getting work to do.