Dreams are so weird sometimes.
I suppose that I don’t sleep as well when I am at home by myself. My roommate took off to spend the extended weekend at home with her family which left me here alone. I rarely get scared, at least that is what I attempt to convince myself, but I did notice that I wasn’t sleeping as deeply as I typically do because I woke up this morning remembering a whole lot of dreams.
They were so random.
In one my entire family was on a cruise and we stopped at the Galapagos Islands (thank you travel channel which I was watching earlier that day). My older sister sent my 7- and 5-year old nieces on a transport boat BY THEMSELVES to the islands while we decided to stay on the ship and do other things. When they came back the 7-year old fell out of the boat and didn’t know how to swim and my sister just casually looked over at me and asked if I would take care of the situation and returned to her conversation. WHAT? That would NEVER happen.
In another, I was upset at someone because all they wanted to do was argue with me. No matter what I said or did, it was wrong. She kept telling people that I was mean and that nobody in their right mind should be friends with me. Everyone wanted nothing to do with me and so I left never to return even though the room was full of people that I loved and admired.
Last one that I will share was about kissing. Now let me start off by saying....why in the heck am I having dreams about kissing? I haven’t been kissed in almost 2 years and this dream didn’t make me want to run right out there and kiss anyone! Oh, maybe that was the point. Anyway.... I had a dream that I was kissing someone and it was the most terrible kissing I have ever in my life experienced. Actually it was so bad I wanted to throw up a little. I have never in my life experienced a bad kiss. I have been extremely lucky and have always been kissed by guys that know what they are doing and how to do it. Hopefully that will be the ONLY bad kissing experience that I will ever have. Funny thing was the dream was with a guy that I have kissed and I know that he is a great kisser.
Hopefully tonight won’t be as eventful!