I think that I am slowly learning that life never dishes out quite what we think it should, would or could. Of course, that is what keeps our interest in this school of life. Just think about it, if life always did the same thing without variation or how we believed it should, where would be the anticipation that comes due to the unknown? There would be no tests which we couldn’t achieve 100% and there would be no trials which truly stretch us as individuals and help us to reach our full potential. Why? Because honestly, most of us like to be in our comfort zones and so we would never put in a test or a trial in the agenda.
The most humorous (it is always a choice of laugh or cry) part of it all is that the unexpected usually always occurs just as we are becoming comfortable and relaxed. I am not stating that it is always a “bad” thing which pulls us out to face our potential. I am just suggesting that the reason that we don’t always (and by that I mean almost never) know what is going to happen or how things are going to work out is so that we can experience and taste of the true greatness that is in each of us as we stand to meet that which is coming full force at us. One doesn’t learn who one is by standing on the sidelines and watching, it is all about getting in and getting dirty and when necessary, even being taped up so that we can go back in with renewed and reinforced strength.
I often ponder the quote by C.S. Lewis that states basically that we are not surrounded by mere mortals and that if we could truly see that greatness of each individual that we would be tempted to worship one another. We were sent here to learn to become like our Father. We are His children, with a divine nature. We have endless potential and the powers from heaven to help us succeed. We were not sent here to fail, nor were we set up to fail. None of us are perfect, but are learning to become so which is why the Atonement was given to us as a free gift if we only accept it.
There are so many hurts, heartaches and lack of understanding. There are times when disappear and disappoint are overwhelming. There are countless unfair happenings. Through it all, however is the shining hope of knowing that we are never left alone, that there is nothing that we can’t pass through without His help, that families are forever, that friends valiantly stand by our side and that nothing is more precious on this earth than His children. We have amazing promises and blessings.
I love the adventure, and though at times I wish that I could choose what happened next, I have gained a deep knowledge to trust in His will more than my own.