Just Rannin' Around

Sunday, October 30, 2005


I think that I am slowly learning that life never dishes out quite what we think it should, would or could. Of course, that is what keeps our interest in this school of life. Just think about it, if life always did the same thing without variation or how we believed it should, where would be the anticipation that comes due to the unknown? There would be no tests which we couldn’t achieve 100% and there would be no trials which truly stretch us as individuals and help us to reach our full potential. Why? Because honestly, most of us like to be in our comfort zones and so we would never put in a test or a trial in the agenda.

The most humorous (it is always a choice of laugh or cry) part of it all is that the unexpected usually always occurs just as we are becoming comfortable and relaxed. I am not stating that it is always a “bad” thing which pulls us out to face our potential. I am just suggesting that the reason that we don’t always (and by that I mean almost never) know what is going to happen or how things are going to work out is so that we can experience and taste of the true greatness that is in each of us as we stand to meet that which is coming full force at us. One doesn’t learn who one is by standing on the sidelines and watching, it is all about getting in and getting dirty and when necessary, even being taped up so that we can go back in with renewed and reinforced strength.

I often ponder the quote by C.S. Lewis that states basically that we are not surrounded by mere mortals and that if we could truly see that greatness of each individual that we would be tempted to worship one another. We were sent here to learn to become like our Father. We are His children, with a divine nature. We have endless potential and the powers from heaven to help us succeed. We were not sent here to fail, nor were we set up to fail. None of us are perfect, but are learning to become so which is why the Atonement was given to us as a free gift if we only accept it.

There are so many hurts, heartaches and lack of understanding. There are times when disappear and disappoint are overwhelming. There are countless unfair happenings. Through it all, however is the shining hope of knowing that we are never left alone, that there is nothing that we can’t pass through without His help, that families are forever, that friends valiantly stand by our side and that nothing is more precious on this earth than His children. We have amazing promises and blessings.

I love the adventure, and though at times I wish that I could choose what happened next, I have gained a deep knowledge to trust in His will more than my own.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Raindrops keep fallin’!!

I am sitting in bed just listening to the rain pound against my window. So many thoughts begging to be entertained and yet I push them aside to snuggle deep into my covers and listen to the wonder of nature cleansing and giving nourishment.

Monday, October 24, 2005

This weekend I decided to take a road trip down to St. George to visit my family and to attend the University of Utah vs. UNLV football game with my dad.   It is a family joke that we are going to eventually convert my dad to the true football team.  He is a BYU fan through and through, but all his children are huge U of U fans.   It is amazing what a dad will do for his children because when we left the house on Saturday afternoon to make the hour and a half drive to Las Vegas, he was dressed in his red U of U shirt which I had given him for Christmas last year.  


The weather was perfect (80-degrees all weekend….it's okay you can be jealous) and the game was a good old fashioned butt-kicking!   I can see a ton of potential in this team's ability.  Although there were still several mistakes and missed tackles, it was probably the best I had seen them play as a team this whole season.   At one point I even thought that our defensive line had killed their poor quarterback.  I never realized how impressive the U's student section really is (even though we are listed in the top 5 student sections in the Nation) until I saw UNLV's pathetic student section.   It was an exciting game to attend and great to see the U show up with as many fans as UNLV did in their own stadium. 


Sunday I stayed and went to church with my parents.  Other than to attend a baby blessing, farewell/homecoming or on vacation, I really haven't attended a family ward in over 12 years.   I could hardly sit still.  There were children running up and down the aisles, climbing over and under the benches, throwing of items anywhere from cheerios to books, and of course much screaming and crying.   Don't get me wrong there is plenty of energy in the student ward (it is called sexual tension…oh did I say that), but at least one does not have to worry about having half eaten cheerios stuck in ones hair after Sacrament meeting.   I know it will just be a matter of re-adjusting to that scene verses the one I am currently in and I will again love it (only 5 months left).


The drive home was an experience.  For anyone that has driven from Salt Lake City to St. George knows that it is typically takes 4 hours.   Well last night I left a little after 6:00 pm from my parent's home in order to get home at a decent hour since I had to work this morning.  However it was not going to go as smoothly as I would have hoped.  I made it about 15 miles out of Cedar City before I hit a wall of traffic.  I then spent the next hour and a half going any where from 0 – 10 mph trying to get to Beaver which is 40 miles out of Cedar City.  The cause of the slow down…..construction!!   Was there any construction actually happening…oh no, just barrels that took us from two lanes to one and merging evidentially is a huge issue for Utah drivers.  Needless to say that I may or may not have done 90 mph the rest of the way to Salt Lake in order to get home at 11:45 pm.


(By the by, it wasn't as bad as I make it sound.  Although it was frustrating, I just decided about 10 minutes into it that there was nothing that I could do so I sat back and listened to several CD, singing at the top of my lung and dancing which provided entertainment to the cars that were in the next lane.   Might as well make the best of what life dishes out.)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Back in Grade School


Monday an alarm sounded.  I continued to work.  My justification was that I was once again so incredibly busy at work (as I have been this entire month) that I didn't want to pull another 12-hour day.   As the fire alarm continued to blare, I decided that I should really probably evacuate the building.  I broke out in hysterical laughter when I walked out of my office to see everyone standing around discussing what should be done in the situation.


Through my laughter I told everyone to form a straight line and to calmly follow me.  Out the door we went, down the hallway and joined everyone else from the building in the great outdoors.   We were all laughing as we did a count off down the line.  Luckily it was a really nice day and so we enjoyed the next five minutes lounging around.   The alarm finally subsided and we all hung our heads and went back to the never ending piles on our desks. 


It dawned on me just how quickly sometimes we forget pieces of important knowledge when it counts.  The response while I was younger to a fire alarm would have never been to stay at my desk and get as many things accomplished as possible.   I would have happily jumped from my desk welcoming the break from material being placed in front of me.  It really made me wonder how many other alarms that I choose to ignore or to which I have a slow response.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

My Apologies


Grief!  I looked at the last day that I posted and it has been another week.   Sometimes I am not sure to where all my time disappears.  I know where it went yesterday….work!  I put in another 12-hour day and would have pouted, but didn't really have the time to spare.




I now have my laptop in my possession which should help with the posting more frequently.  However, I am still working at getting it all hooked up and ready to roll.   I called to get wireless internet today; one more thing done.  American Girl has already promised to help me learn how to properly play with it (computer knowledge is not my strong suit by any measure).   I am itching to get it all set up and able to comment and play with everyone again on their blogs. 




I'm incredibly sorry that this is such a boring entry!  I have many a blogs rolling around in my brain, I just have to have the time to put them in writing.   They will be appearing soon!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

For the Beauty of the Earth


Last night I sat at a grand, high vantage point and allowed the amazing sunset to pull me into its colorful show.   The reds, purples and oranges fell from the already full sky and bounced playfully off of the lake sending them showering all over the valley.  It was breathtaking!  


Sometimes when I wonder, I need to only slow my step, look up and realize that gifts of His love surround my every moment.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Ever had one of those mornings where all you REALLY just want to do is pull the covers over your head and pretend that you have no responsibilities except to stay in bed all day?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

One more time


I am a Spring girl.  I was born on the Spring Equinox.  I love that first smell of the ground awakening after long months of being covered by snow.   I love the warmth of the sun beating on my face.  My favorite flower is the Lilac which only blooms for a very limited time right at the beginning of this season.   I love the bright pastel colors.  The rain comes down a perfect temperature in which to frolic.  My mom even wanted to name me Spring (bless my dad for stepping in and putting a stop to that idea).   Everything is just fresh, bright and new and with that I gain a rejuvenation of life.


The other three seasons each have their own beauty and I don't ignore their shouts to be appreciated.  If there were never a change of seasons it would be impossible to enjoy the beauty, for one would never realize that there was something else to be admired or have to patiently look forward to upcoming days.    As I have watched the mountains light up in a fire of changing leaves these last few weeks and felt the air chill to the point of having to wear a sweater, I have realized that although I may not look forward to the coming days of dealing with the cold, they are changes that will happen.  


It isn't that I am opposed to change….just the opposite actually.  I love change.   I love the challenges and different viewpoints which it brings.  It perpetuates decision making.  It invokes every emotion imaginable.   It opens the eyes to the good, the bad, the ugly and the absolute beautiful.  It shows glimpses of potential!   Change is feared because we know that change typically means a loss…..loss of a habit, loss of a comfort zone, loss of a routine, loss of someone.  Moving forward means letting go and looking ahead.  


As I put on more and more clothes to keep myself warm from the brutal attacks of the biting, bitter cold, I only need to remember that after the dark winter comes the clearing of the sky and the light brings forth the true colors of every precious thing.


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