Just Rannin' Around

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat!


Sometimes I feel like a little child.  Right now I just want to be home, curled up by my dad, reading a good book.   There I feel safe and loved.  Then additional love runs in, throw their little arms around my neck and kiss my cheek.   Of course the book at that point has to be set aside because Aunt JRA becomes the entertainment center.  Playing games, going on walks, jumping on the bed, swinging on the swings, making treats, watching movies, building forts, coloring and listening to stories are all apart of the agenda when we are together.  


I am excited to be at home! 



May everyone have a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 18, 2006



Word to the wise….don't talk to JRA today!  She is not her usual self and you may find yourself with an earful of mean remarks that under normal circumstances would not come out of her mouth.  


The problem has yet to be discovered but we are hopeful that she will return to her normal, fairly nice self tomorrow after the 2 x 4 treatment is administered.


Until then, talk to her at your own risk.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I was awoken by a gentle kiss this morning.

Was it a dream?


Only bad thing about it......

I could still feel it on my lips and wanted more!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sometimes it is nice just to have a busy weekend.

I went and saw an incredible movie on Friday. Men, this is one that you will probably only see if you have a girl that insists on you taking her. So it was an ultra chic flick, I loved it. What movie, you ask? The Holiday and it was spectacular! There were parts that hit a little too close to home, but overall I think it did a wonderful job of describing two types of issues that women find themselves caught up in when it comes to relationships. One of my favorite parts is when someone asked Kate Winslet why she was playing the best friend in her life when she was made to play the leading lady. This is definitely a movie I will not only own, but will watch it over and over and over again.

Saturday was a happy day. I think sometimes I am the happiest when I am the busiest. I was up and going at 5:00 in the morning. I had to go and pick up a new friend (I know most people that you consider a friend wouldn’t pick you up at an awful hour of 6:00 am on a Saturday morning, but it happens) and we headed to the temple. We were having a special chapel session at the Salt Lake Temple. The speakers were amazing and then we all went and attended the 8:00 endowment session. It is definitely a grand way to start out a day. I did come home and take a 20 minute nap which helps with the smile staying on the face.

I then got a gift put together and headed up to Bountiful to a bridal shower. I never expected to be told by the bride-to-be that she automatically blushed when she saw me show up because she knew what my gift to her would be. That always makes me smile. Although for some reason I think that if I ever get married, my bridal shower will not be for the weak. There was mention by one of the women yesterday that I have already attended her bridal shower that she was going to get me a giant sized Hershey’s syrup bottle with a pump at the top. It should be interesting. After laughing and talking for a bit too long, I was off and running again. I also got to talk to a couple of really great friends which always makes my day a little easier and a ton happier. I love that they would choose to call me and share how things are in their lives.

The night was topped off with dinner with some wonderful friends and then a night enjoying the musical likes of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was a better show than I remembered. They have an amazing array of incredibly talented artists. To add to that the light show and their pyrotechnicians did a marvelous job. I think that I walked out deaf and blind, but luckily it only lasted for a little while and I was able to safely drive home. There we had some hot chocolate and banana bread to make the night one to remember. Of course if that didn’t make it a night to remember the 2:30 am fight in the street under my bedroom window between two screaming girls and a whole group of “friends” watching and yelling sure put it into the books.

Today I was able to spend most of the afternoon with my brother. I forget how much he can make me laugh. Probably because he hasn’t had a whole heck of a lot to laugh about the last six months, so it was good to see him starting to be able to laugh again. It is wonderful to know that no matter how much life takes away from us, that we know that there is a loving Heavenly Father standing beside us and carrying us when needed. I love that he has again found that security in his life and that it is enabling him to again find peace and happiness in this life.

Good weekend.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A year in review…..

Although the year is not yet over (there are still 25 eventful days left), this has been a major theme in my thoughts as of late. It always happens as the year begins to wrap itself up that I look over my life to determine what I have learned, where I have grown, things that have changed, what I need to work on, people that were/are involved in my life, places I've visited and overall, if my being alive has benefited the world in even the smallest way. I know I should take out half the pack of Hubby-Bubba bubble gum because that is a huge chunk to chew.

My year started off with a boom. I was in Disneyland as 2005 turned to 2006 watching fireworks over the castle with great friends. I guess with a starting like that I shouldn't have expected anything less than an eventful year.

Within the first few days of January, I felt the pains of a friendship dramatically change and then almost completely disappear. However it wasn't long after that another friendship which I sorely missed made a grand entrance back into my life. These would not be the only changes in friendships over the year. New friends would enter, some dear friends would exit. I have an incredibly hard time letting go when someone has touched my heart, but sometimes growth requires letting go.

I was able to travel a bit. I started out by making a visit out to Spokane, Washington to spend some time with a friend whose husband is currently in law school. Then off to Moab for the third annual Spring Break campout. Although I had just visited Boston the year before, the itch to travel hit and I was out of here. Luckily I have a wonderful friend that decided she could put up with me for an extended weekend and allowed me to crash at her little apartment. I then had to contain myself clear until November when I took off for Mexico.

A very few of the things I have learned (some of which were re-runs from previous years….I'm slow sometimes):

- Life doesn't turn out like I expect it to

- Forgiveness of leaders is not easy, but it is possible

- Teaching and being in front of people is one of my favorite things

- The Old Testament isn't as scary and hard to understand as I thought

- Saying "No" can be extremely hard when that isn't what I want to say, but it is what I need to say

- The older I get, the faster times goes by so I really have to be careful what I choose to do with it

- The University of Utah is better than BYU regardless of that ending score :)

This isn't even the tip of the ice-berg, but just some of the random thoughts that I have been going through as I scale the mountain of what 2006 was for me. I still have some days to fill in with memories and lessons to which I am looking forward. I have yet to determine my addition to making the world a better place, but if I have made but one person smile a day I think that I will count that and sleep peacefully.

Monday, December 04, 2006

What to do?

I am bored....something has to change. I realize that boredom is a state of mind and as my dad reminds me every time I say that I am bored, “only those who have weak minds can enter a state of boredom.” It is his little nudge to encourage me to get back up and continue to live on higher playing grounds. Like every great dad, he always manages to believe in me and that I have the ability to soar. Call it an oversized ego which has been carefully installed in me by loving parents, but I know it is true. I can, I have no doubt, do anything that only involves me if I am willing to put in the blood, sweat and tears.

The truth is that self esteem is not a problem for me. Sure I have my bad days where I think that I can’t ever do anything right and woe is anyone that has to endure the likes of me because I am such a miserable excuse of a human being. Those days however, are extremely few and far between. If ever found in a state where the back of my hand is placed dramatically on my forehead, one should quickly exit and come back the next day. See deep down where it counts, I know that I am intelligent, caring, funny, beautiful, hard working, strong, trustworthy, talented and so on. However, even with the knowledge that I carry concerning all the attributes listed and those not listed, it still is scary to decide to do something new. Why? That is easy, because what if all of the weaknesses I have which number as many as my strengths win this time and I fail!

So fear enters the picture. Fear. What a horrible little adversary that holds us back from obtaining so many different things which would make us incredibly happy! Fear of not being good enough and therefore not deserving. Fear, stops us in our tracks and makes it virtually impossible to move forward. Fear makes what is currently playing out in our lives seem so spectacular because it is familiar and comfortable. Just like road kill, fear has to be squashed and moved aside.

I am learning valuable lessons.....again. I make my happiness. I can decide to be as happy or as miserable as I want. I don’t hate my job, but it hasn’t been my favorite place to be for the past few years. Currently I am working to fix that situation. I have enrolled in classes. I am working towards getting my travel agent license. This will allow me to not only make a change when I choose, but it will allow me more flexibility to do the very thing that I enjoy the most, travel. This however is only a step. I have also been looking seriously into finally taking the LSAT and applying for law school, although is a goal that is a little further out in the plans.

With law school will come a change in location. I was asked a little while ago why I still lived in Utah. Without time to answer, it was proceeded with, “You will never find what you are looking for here.” I wish that I would have had time to do some follow up to determine exactly what was meant, sadly the conversation was interrupted. I think that the statement is more true than I care to admit. The word intimidation comes quickly to mind and my gag reflex is the next to kick into gear. The problem is that the more that I accomplish doesn’t make that word disappear, but accelerates it to great heights. I don’t think that I am intimidating at all, of course I live with me every day and see where I lack.

I know what my ultimate goal and aspiration is, but until that comes I have to continue to better myself and work toward becoming a daughter that a daddy is proud to call His.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Where’s Waldo?

I am not any good at this game. I wish I was, but I always end up losing in the end. I have even been here trying to learn:



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