Yesterday my baby sister got married. People always give me a hard time for still calling her my baby sister because she is 24 and not so much a baby. However whether she is 3, 24 or 96, she will always be my baby sister. It was a beautiful wedding.
There is nothing more exciting to me than to have my family gathered in one place. I don’t think that I forget how much I love and adore my family, but I think that sometimes the routine of daily life helps push it from surface to something of a hidden treasure. We aren’t a normal family (but then again I don’t think that normal exists). There are so many different personalities and hopes, dreams and desires, yet together we are one. One in wanting each other to succeed, find joy and to be able to bug the crap out of each other throughout the eternities.
Taking pictures was a chore, as usual, yesterday. I have nine nieces and nephews ranging from six to 5 months old, of course it is my three brothers that we have to get to behave. Once we finished pictures and the reception began, we were supposed to greet and mingle with the guests. Don’t tell my mom, but I think most of the time was spent talking to each other with an occasional interruption saying hi to the aunts, uncles, cousins and friends that come to extend their warmest congratulations to my sister and new brother-in-law. I don’t think that I ever had my hands free the entire night. There was constantly a niece or a nephew that needed to hold my hand or be in my arms (exactly how I love it). At one point I had both my 4-year-old nieces asleep in my lap, one on each shoulder.
As we finished cleaning up for the night, although we were all tired from a long day, there was still a longing for wanting to stay together just a little bit longer. There is something so comforting in feeling unconditional love and unconditional acceptance that we never want to leave it. However being past the babies bedtimes helps in breaking up the party, so hugs all around and kisses from the little ones and back into the cold, bitter world a little warmed up and strengthened.
We are excited for the new addition of a brother-in-law and a nephew on the way. I am blessed beyond measure to be allowed to be a part of my incredible family!