Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Learning while teaching
I always remember being told that the best way to learn is to teach the subject to someone else. I never fully understood that principle until recently. The Old Testament has never been my strong suit within the scriptures. I have spent a lot of time delving into the New Testament, The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine of Covenants, but have honestly studied these three books instead of the Old Testament even when it is the focus in Sunday School and Seminary/Institute. It is the only part of the scriptures that I haven't read word for word, cover to cover ever. Even more ironic is that I have taught it before in Sunday School at the young age of 19 when I first moved up to Salt Lake and received a calling to teach.
I will have to put a disclaimer here……I do know the stories in the Old Testament and I can navigate around it fairly well, I am just not as apt to turn there when I am looking for an answer or preparing a talk or needing some comfort because I have a deep love and appreciation for the other three books that I have not yet taken the time to uncover for this book. However, I have lovingly had a 2 x 4 taken to the back of my head in order to force open my eyes. There are some amazing treasures in this book that are screaming to be discovered. For instance, I can't believe how much information concerning the temple can be found within its pages.
As I have been preparing my lessons I am beginning to see the threads that bind stories. The doctrine has been popping off the pages and begged me for attention. My mind has been enlightened and some corrective guidance for my own life has been gently placed in my heart. It still surprises me that the words on the pages have never changed in my lifetime, yet the meaning of those same unchanging words have grown and developed into personal messages that have the ever ability to continue to form and mold as I do the same. I finally understood what it meant to be the best student while standing in the position of the teacher as a discussion arose and I found myself explaining some of the same questions I had and they became crystal clear in my mind.
Friday, April 21, 2006
My subconscious is trying to tell me something. The last three nights have been full of dreams that have caused considerable irrational thoughts and feelings. Each has been completely different in context and participants, yet each has left me feeling emotionally naked and insecure….two things with which I don't typically struggle.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
There are some foods…..
Are there foods that you just love and will always eat despite the fact that they come back to haunt you all day? The reason I ask is because I made the yummiest salad for lunch today which happen to include red and green peppers. I love peppers! However since lunch I can still taste the peppers and even the strongest gum is not helping.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Sometimes I wonder why I am so blessed. Sure life is not easy and I have plenty of disappointments and hard times, but it always pales in comparison to all that I am given. My heart has been aching a lot lately for many reasons, but today a loving Heavenly Father filled it to overflowing with gratitude.
Easter inevitably brings to the forefront the meaning of life which is inseparable from my Savior, Jesus Christ. I had the opportunity to speak in Sacrament meeting today about the death of the Savior. My heart was full as I inadequately tried to explain the last day of Christ’s life and the suffering which He unselfishly performed in behalf of ever single mortal that ever had or ever would enter this, their second estate.
Love warmed me as I sat through Sacrament today. I needed to hear the things that were shared by the other speakers. I needed to tell people how much I loved the Savior. I needed to feel the meaning of His life as it pertained to me, one child of God. A God that loves me so much that He was willing to sacrifice His only Begotten. I needed to remember that He knows me, individually.
It was testified to my heart and mind again. I walked out of the meeting peaceful and ready to take on the world again. However, I was given one incredible surprise. I was getting my picture taken for the ward list when a sweet friend found me. This amazing person had taken the time to come and support me because they knew that I was speaking. As familiar arms wrapped around me in a place that I am still trying to get used to being, I truly felt loved. It was such a simple act of kindness, but to me it meant the world. Tender mercies!
I truly pray that each of you had a wonderful Easter and that you each had the opportunity to feel the love of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Today is just one of those days!
I can't sit still. I think that I have a wicked case of adult ADHD that has gotten progressively worse throughout the day. I have contemplated dancing on my desk or skipping through the halls at work while whistling "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree". My heart wants to be outside speeding down the Jordan River Parkway on my rollerblades, then pull out the finger paints and use mostly on the person with whom I am playing, topped off with running through the sprinklers to clean off in fits of giggles.
Big bowls of ice cream being eaten while swinging on the swings, watermelon seed spitting contests, pictures drawn in the driveway with sidewalk chalk, tackle football at the park, tag with the nieces and nephews, sleeping out under the stars, night hikes, warm rain showers, slight sunburns across the nose that only hurts when the nose is crinkled, fresh fruits and veggies straight out of the garden, lazy Sunday afternoons lounging on the lawn by the reflection pool at the temple, picnics at the park………..
I think I have Spring Fever!!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Running out of time….
It is my dad's birthday on Saturday and I don't have a clue what to get him. Any ideas?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
It is amazing when I choose to slow down my life to really listen, what I am given in return. Far too often I allow the noise of the world to fill the space surrounding me.
After spending almost the entire day on Sunday curled up on the couch listening and taking notes, I looked outside and realized that Spring had finally come. I scurried up the stairs and found my tennis shoes for my feet and was out the door. I went on a small walk and then over to swing on the swings in my complex. As I slowly floated back and forth on the swing, I contemplated and attempted to digest all the light and knowledge that had been handed to me. Time had flown by and I might have stayed there all night had my cute roommate not come and found me. We went on a walk just to enjoy the sun which was finally shining.
I still don't have answers to so many questions. I still feel like I am wondering aimlessly through this, my life right now. I still have all of the same worries. The only difference is that I have some additional perspective and more importantly, peace. Peace that as long as I continue to place the Lord first in my life, that all things will work out in the end for my good. I have an assurance that even though mistakes are made, there is always a path back and a sure knowledge that Heavenly Father loves me more than I can even imagine.