I think I might be dying
I am an incredibly sound sleeper. Once my head hits the pillow I am out and not even fire trucks in front of my house with sirens wailing and lights flashing can even make me turn over (believe me this has actually happened). I usually don't move until the music from my alarm clock turns on and reminds me to rejoin the world. I think because I am such a heavy sleeper (no that is not a fat joke), that I can never recall my dreams. The only dreams I ever remember is when I am having a night of fitful sleep.
This last week and a half has been completely different. Every morning when I open my eyes I can remember at least one of the dreams which I had that night. All of my dreams have consisted of people that have touched my life in so many different ways and whom I truly love and couldn't see myself being the person I am without their life at one point being intertwined with my own.
Some of the people I haven't seen in years, others I see almost daily, some just on occasion and none of the dreams have been about family members. Through these dreams I have discovered something about myself, the thing that endears me to others the most is the time I have spent really talking to them one on one. In each of the dreams I was given the opportunity to explain to them what they truly have meant to me. I have been able to perfectly express myself without worrying about them taking it any other way than exactly how I meant it. Oh to be that eloquent in real life.
Maybe this is an awareness of the fact that I need to more often express myself to others. It could be that I just deeply miss some of these people who don't play as big a part in my every day life as they once did. Possibly I could be dying and this is my wake up call to set my affairs in order. Okay so as far as I am aware I am not dying so this is a pretty far fetched idea, but one never knows. I do know that I have been extremely blessed in my life with wonderful people that I don't tell enough just how much I love and appreciate them.